Single Person Discount

If you are over 18 and the only person living in the property, you can apply for 25% discount.

You can tell us if you have always lived alone, or if all other members of your household have moved out.

You can also report a change in circumstances such as someone moving in with you using this form to cancel your Single Person Discount.

Please note:

We will not process any changes more than 14 days in advance, applications submitted prior to this date will be held until 14 days before the date of the change.

If you select to pay via direct debit, we must give your bank at least 5 working days? notice of a new direct debit instruction. If your chosen payment date is within 5 working days, your first instalment will not be requested until the following month.

Processing your Data

The Council Tax Administration Privacy Notice is provided to explain what information the council needs in order to administer your Council Tax.

Full details of how the council collects, gathers and processes your data can be found on the Data Protection and GDPR pages of our website.